Sunday, 29 March 2009

Mike Philpott takes Pitsford Bank Match Shield

Jammy Devil!
Didn't like the weather, turned up late, couldn't find a spot, wanted to watch Grand Prix, wanted to visit, the lodge, needed a crap etc. all excuses Mike was using so that he didn't have to fish. But convinced by Grant, every time he went near the water he came up with another trout. 3 fish for 8lbs was enough to win the MNTFA bank match on a difficult day.

Well I would feel a bit aggrieved wouldn't I, as if any of these excuses had of held I would have won myself and 2 fish for 6lbs 4oz was enough for second place. In addition to that I did have a consolation and managed to catch the best fish of the day this 3lbs 15 and half ozs so no complaints! It took a Daiwl Bach from the middle dropper right at the end of my cast. It screamed off and headed for the middle of the creek. As it was on the reel I then continued to play it that way which gives you great control for bigger fish and had been ages since I had done that, very enjoyable!
While Mike can thank Grant I need to thank Phil Cross. After starting together on North Farm Shore with only a pull for Phil, he headed down the Gravels and Pines while I settled into what I believe is now being called the Pool (North Farm Bay) casting across to stone barn. There was a fantastic hatch of small grey buzzers and there were plumes of them all over the banks and the water was littered with the spent ones. It was quite funny to see the walkers, runners and cyclists fighting there way through the mist.

There were a few views of not enough fish in here but I can't agree with that. My theory or excuse was that the weather had gone cold and pushed the fish into a warmer layer in deeper water. It had been like this all week as anglers had fought the high winds, rain and hail storms. They were east winds too which is the worst wind to find a decent spot on Pitsford.

It was 2pm and I had only heard of a couple of fish being caught, I hadn't even had a pull. Mike had just caught one across on Stone Barn and I was just considering what else I could do when the phone rung, it was Phil. "I've just had one and lost a couple" "I'm on my way" I said.

Well in front of Pitsford Picnic Bank was like a different world, a little wind was coming left to right and out but very gentle. The bank dropped away quite quickly into the creek and Phil had it sussed with a cruncher, Daiwl Bach and gold headed hares ear on the point on a long leader on a floater. He already had a very nice overwintered fish of 3lb plus in the bag and I hadn't been there that long and I'd had a pull and Phil had landed this one.

I kitted up the same and it wasn't too long before I had a nice rainbow on the gold headed hares ear and I was feeling exceptionally relieved that I wouldn't be receiving one of Powies ducks. Unfortunately for Phil, Mick Foster and pals turned up next time and while casting a good deal further and Mick taking 2 fish on a sinker and Boobie I think they just moved the fish off and out. One more was all we were both aiming for but unfortunately the fish didn't come round again.

Back at the weigh in everyone had struggled, there were a few 2's but not as many blanks as there could have been but around 20+ anglers around 20+ fish.

All in all a hard day but very pleasant in the sun and not bad for the first competition of the year.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Fathering Saturday

My thought process this weekend was Mothering Sunday and the family is round for dinner so I had better get out on Saturday and see what's happening. If it's good I might come back on Sunday, if not I'll do the right thing.

We when i turned up on Saturday lunchtime I think all the blokes had had the same thought and the place was heaving. On my way back I counted 40 cars and there must have been more. Perhaps I should have gone on Sunday then and it would have been empty? As it was, this felt like Fathering Saturday!

The weather seems to be changing this week, the wind is picking up, getting cooler and the fish for some reason were switched off. I fished off the Gorse Bank for a couple of hours and neither i or the other couple of blokes around me had a fish. If a floater with a small black and green lure on the point and my favourite early season buzzer on the dropper won't entice them then nothing will!

Seamus Halliday turned up just before I left and it seemed that there were a few fish being caught of Sailing Club Bank. Earlier in the season, westerly wind, only place fishing Sailing club, I should have known better!! must remember next time.

Never mind it's not all about fish. It was a glorious day with the sun on your back, just out of the wind it felt great. A Reed Bunting was flitting around the Willow bush, Skylarks behind me and Graylag and Canada Geese disturbing the peace as they kept moving from the water to the Field behind and vice versa. When i arrived the old boy next the gorse was was laid back eating his lunch, "might even have a kip in a minute too" he said as I passed the time of day, relaxing, Aaaah!

As I stood in the middle of the Gorse bank looking down the Reservoir to the Sailing Club I suddenly thought of Bev Perkins and that he had asked for a bench in his honour to be put on the Gorse Bank for fishermen. I walked down a bit and took this picture and half way up the left hand side side of the photo would be a great spot. Out of back cast range but you get a great view across to Stone Barn bay and also all the way past Brixworth Bay to the Sailing club. Nice Spot!

I guess it will be all work again for me this week but I am looking forward to next weekend as we have the MNTFA Bank match on Sunday and as we put the clocks forward it opens up the evening fishing for after work. Magic!

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Midlands Inter County Cup

I was just looking through a few e-mails and this one jumped out at me. I know Seamus is getting there putting a team together but there are still a few places left if there are any MNTFA members that are interested. Thought I would have a go.

Midlands Inter County Cup – Draycote – Sunday 26th July 2009

We have been invited to enter a Northamptonshire team, fishing against Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. This is a one-off match for the Inter County Cup plus usually a few extra prizes. Fishing 9am to 5pm, with a meal afterwards in Dunchurch (The Green Man). Reservoir rules; teams of 10, fishing in pairs. Just individual fishing and boat permits.

We need to let them know ASAP if we are going to enter a team, so please contact Seumas Halliday on 01604 231295 or 07794465607;

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Mid Northants Pitsford Litter Pickers

Yes it's a dirty job but someone has to do it!

It was a lovely day today 15th March probably the best of the year so far although it did go a little cooler later. The Mid Northants annual litter pick was a great excuse to get out for a walk, do some fishing and put something back into the facility. I say put something back but really I suppose I mean take things away. We collected around 15 sacks of litter mainly I would say coming from the cyclists and walkers that are constantly around the track however they can't take all the blame as there were plenty of lunch wrappers, fishing hats, bailers, Spinners, line, tackle packaging and even a box of flies. Well I guess in a big wind it's surprising what goes over the side of a boat.
It is at least better and more improved for us being there so thanks for all those that turned out and for Anglian Water supplying the gloves and bags and collecting the final bags up.
The fishing was not great today the wind had turned around and for some reason the fish were not too obliging. We all headed for the North Farm Shore but as the wind was coming straight in it was not easy to get a cast out especially with these 40 plus lines where I find that they blow back at you. Probably more disheartening than anything else but the fly doesn't turn over properly. When I left, Ash Cooper was the only one to have caught and he had had a couple.
He seemed grateful that I was leaving and reminded me that the last time we fished together and i left early to go home for lunch he had a massive rainbow shortly afterwards. I'll have to give him a ring and find out how he did this time!
I have had a great week this week, loads of fishing. But everything has to come to an end and it is back to work tomorrow.

Friday, 13 March 2009

A limit over the lunch break

It was just after 12 when i arrived at Pitsford this morning, a little grey, overcast and a few darker clouds around that looked like we could be in for a drop of rain. Furtunately it skirted around us and we had no more than a few spots. Luck would be on my side today and you need a bit of that!

My thoughts were that I would try in North Farm Bay but as I started down the track the digger and workmen had the road up as they were laying drainage channels and the track was temporarily closed so I parked the care on the North Shore and thought right here will do then.

There were a couple of boats into the causeway corner and all the points were taken. There were also people in the bays and I could see one was into a fish so I thought right any space that is available then in the first 4 bays? Yes there was a spot in the second bay next to the bushes that went right to the waters edge.

The wind was left to right and out slightly and not too strong so ideal. All around me they were on sinkers but un-daunted I set the Floater and the just one fly - a lite brite pea.

I waited for 20 minutes without a take for the fish to come into the area and then it started, a few missed takes at first but then I adjusted my casting to cast across the wind, hold tight until the bow in the line started to form and then a mixture of slow to fast figure of 8 retrieve meant that I was perfectly in control of my flies and the line just tightened into a fish. By 1.30 I had returned another 5, had my lunch and was on my way to see my Dad, Nice!

Last night was the MNTFA AGM, all went off sweet and I continue as secretary and Vice-Chairman for another year. Nathan Clayton and Jon Marshall came along to give us their thoughts on last season and what is planned for this season. They were both excellent at fielding and debating some interesting and topical points. There were a number of discussions and a few to note were:
  • Health and safety between anglers and walkers. They gave us confidence that the actions and ideals of severn trent in banning bank fishing because of safety concerns for walkers are not shared by Anglian Water. This was great news and makes sense, I can't think of any angling accidents relating to this at Pitsford, Jon thought there might have been 1 or 2 over the last 20 years while there are many cycle and walking accidents. Therefore if it is put in context, we all have to be careful and vidulent and share the space together.
  • Stocking points. There were mixed views on whether stocking at many points around Pitsford would result in the fish more spread. Nathan has a fair arguament that the currrent two stocking points provide fish from the causeway to the gravels, causeway to the Gorse. Sailing club and Brixworth and the Creek and Pines. If they were spread about the fish would naturally come together at the favoured locations which would create the same effect. He has a good point! However Jon and a number of MNTFA disagree so maybe we'll get to test out the theories later in the year.
Richard Slater won our club angler of the year. Richard as below had these two fish on the opening day at Pitsford last year. Impressive!

Thursday, 12 March 2009

New Gorse revistited

Wed 11th March

10.30 and the wind was perfect today gentle and coming left to right and off the bank. There were already half a dozen anglers there but managed to get in by the gap in the gorse. Right, bag up then!

But no, it's not quite that simple. The fish weren't quite so predictable in running up and down and they had gone out a bit. I had lots of takes but they didn't stick. I think this was because they were cruising and then snapping at the fly from all angles. Had a good chat to Pat Flynn reminiscing about some of the older fishermen and it was a very pleasant morning to be out, beats work!

My best approach was to cast try and imitate the whip round as if the wind was stronger and I managed to return two before I had to attend the first beginners course.

First Pitsford beginners course of the year and I tied up a daiwl bach and a green pea-funnily enough. Peter Hartley and Mike Philpott had them suitably enthused although they didn't catch any fish today, Mike managed to put out a long line and picked up two.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

The New Gorse Bank

The seeds must have been blown across the water as on the opposite side of the Gorse Bank the gorse is thriving even better. As a home for badgers and rabbits the new gorse has populated the area at the end of the gravels. With a stepped bank into deep water it is an ideal stockie holding spot and a great early season venue.

The wind today was a little lighter and blowing along the bank left to right, perfect! There were a couple of guys there in prime spots and they had just started catching so I picked up the next spot and 20 minutes later I had returned 3 stockies. They were a little smaller than those over the last few days but fought great.

Mike turned up and muscled his way onto the point but unfortunately struggled with lost fish, it must have been the figure of 8 retrieve that wasn't setting the hook properly.

I was back on the lite bright Green pea on a floater. Casting out at right angles to the bank, they weren't too far out, I would then let the cast sink, and then then just keep in touch with the line as it bowed in the wind, Most takes were as it came round the bend, lovely just like buzzer fishing!

I managed to take another and then the wind changed what a nuisance it was coming straight into us we managed to take a few more fish but struggled. I caught my sixth and decided to call it a day, despite the cold wind it is great to be out in the fresh air catching fish.

Monday, 9 March 2009

A limit of tennis balls!

Yes how annoying is that, I'm only allowed to take one and then catch and release and my first was a tennis ball.

Just returning my green pea on a di3 and bump. It must be a fish? it's not weed. it was a good take, why isn't it fighting harder? well that's because it's a tennis ball. Yes I managed to hook one off the bottom about 15yards out. It looks a bit manky, must have been thrown in by a dog walker a little while ago thankfully.

It's surprising what you hook when your fishing, someones cast is fairly common and I managed to hook a rod and line last year, very nice. However my all time favourite was by a great pall of ours who is sadly no longer with us Bob Pickering. While fishing in Pitsford creek a number of years ago now he hooked a fish and started to play it. He did shout us all round as it was was very heavy. As he started to get it closer he realised it was two fish. His top dropper was out the water then his middle and we all laughed that he must have caught them both on the same fly but as he netted them we realised that he had actually hooked someone Else's nylon that the two two fish on. We ribbed him for considerable time that he was that good he didn't need his flies to catch fish.
After all of that Mike Philpott, Phil Cross and myself have had a day on the banks of Pitsford but it was hellish windy, a North easterly and most places were un-fishable. After driving around the water at least once trying a few favourite spots the only place that looked any good was sailing club bank point as it enters Brixworth Bay. We found fish but right at the end of our cast Mike Managed 4 and I managed 5 mostly stockies as below. The fish were down in mid water at about 8ft and either a floater with gold bead or a di3 did the best for us on green and black lure. Phil struggled with the wind and distance today but it was good practice.

It got a bit busy on the point later on because the other spots were limited. There seemed to be a posse of Rutland Water Bailiffs ( anyone know what the collective noun for this is? not too rude please.) let out for the day. The best casters were taking most of the fish but there were enough there for everyone. Maybe go back for a look tomorrow!

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Pitsford opens on great form!

I had a plan to turn up late and if they weren't catching go home, if they were then jump in after they have bagged up. It worked like a dream!

The place was absolutely heaving at around 11am all the boats were out, the lodge was full of bailiffs and Managers, the banks were crammed full of anglers and the water was still full of fish. The wind was coming off the North shore as a left to right and looked ideal but the only issue with this is that there were loads of anglers. I thought that I would go around duffers and bog bay where the wind was a little more tricky coming right to left and blowing in your ear. It also picked up as the day went on. There were a few more gaps on the bank but as you can see below in Bog bay, not many.
I had half an hour on Duffers without success and then moved into Bog Bay as the wind was a little less. They were all wading on the bank so I had no choice to do the same which is not what I would normally do early season. This guy in the picture had 4 in 4 casts on a black and silver lure and finished with his limit, he also thought he would welcome the shelter. I had nothing in the bay and nor did those to my left but those on the point at about 12.30 decided to go home for lunch having bagged up earlier so I popped in just inside the point. Three or 4 casts later I was in to a nice Rainbow and safely returned it. Shortly after all went tight again and after a great fight I caught the 4lbs 2oz overwintered rainbow below-nice fish!
After these two fish I then had a method that worked. Not all my own doing as I had been checking what the others had been doing. I was using a floating line because i wanted the control and it wasn't too deep. I had a 15ft leader initially with two flies but by now with the wind increasing I was down to one a variant green pea as per the picture. I can't really say it's my invention because there are many pea variants but it was one that I concocted myself.
Hook: kamasan B175 size 10
Tying silk: Black
Head: Gold bead
Collar: Olive Lite brite
Body: Black Chenille
Rib: Fine silver wire
Tail: Black marabou

The method for me was to cast out at right angles to the wind as far as you can, they were a good way out and then mend your line. This allowed the fly to sink a little and as the line tightened in the wind begin your retrieve with slowish long pulls. It was usually in the fist 3/4 pulls when everything went tight and you were in. I managed to repeat this a further half dozen times and ended with 7 fish returned and one kept on the day.
I like to return fish in the water and as with the photo below you can bring the fish close maybe by pulling the line by hand, pinch the fly in your figures and if barb less you can twist it out and shake off the fish back to the water to swim off.

Got some time off work this week - I'll be back!

Friday, 6 March 2009

Bev Perkins Funeral

Yes they are never very nice affairs but this was as good as it gets for a fisherman.

He was not a religious person and had asked not to have a religious service but a gathering of close friends to pay their respects to a fellow fisherman seemed ideal to me. Richard Slater gave a great tribute to the man from stories and anecdotes from his time with him over the last 7/8 years. Peter Dobbs gave a great speech based on his close quarter friendship - 2 solid years of his life over the last 10 spend in his company in a boat - that epitomised Bev, his life, his sense of humour and what he gave back to those around him. Great content, brilliantly delivered. I will remember him as I land my first fish at Pitsford tomorrow.

It was nice that he had asked for half the proceeds of donations to go to the Mid Northants and a bench will be erected in his memory at Pitsford. The Gorse bank sounds great and it would be nice if it was also a memorial for other MNTFA members in the future.

let's hope that his writings can be pulled together in a book and his memory will truly live on in a way that would provide information and inspiration for others. He will be sadly missed.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Barclays Bank National dates Confirmed

We have managed to do the deal with the hotel and fishery now so we are all set for Friday 15th May 2009 at Draycote. We have also arranged for practice boats and accommodation at the Dunchurch Park Hotel on Thursday and Friday evening. An evening presentation meal is arranged on the Friday night after the fishing and will be a great excuse to meet a few old friends and have a few beers.

They are going to be stocking well again this year and we can look forward to a great competition. The entry forms have been sent out but if you didn't receive one or have a question please e-mail me on

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Ravensthorpe Opens!

The eagerly anticipated start to the season was there, all the kit had been sorted, organised and packed away again. I confirmed my season ticket yesterday and thought right that's it I fancy fishing Ravensthorpe. I am not really a cold weather fisherman so the thought of Trout Fishing in February doesn't normally fill me with enthusiasm but the weather is just warming up and I have a bit of time spare so was just in the mood. As I arrived this morning you can see from the picture below it looked great. Not cold, flat calm, mysteriously misty and just waiting for the forecast sun to break through and mist lift. Bag up I thought!
Well I was wrong!

The day before the wind was nicely along the dam left to right and a few fish were caught especially a 7 on bloodworm by the white stick. I started by the pipe - bet you can't guess why? - Well yes that was the main reason but Phil Cross and Nathan Riley were already there and had pull. For the next hour we persevered and when the wind got up even though it was into our face and cold we thought it would improve. But No!

Phil and I then moved around to the platforms rather than the first three where it seemed a bit shallow we chose the next two. We started on floaters and worked our way through the lines, sink tips, slow intermediate, slime and Di3. I was mainly using two small lures on an 18ft leader swapping around between White/Green, Olive, Black/Green and Orange.

I had one on the slow intermediate but unfortunately it come off after it headed for the middle. From the 4th platform I had clear water at full cast a small weed bank at half distance and then it was clear closer in. This was a bit of a nuisance as they were a little deep but you couldn't leave it for too long because you got the weed. I ended up on the Di3 and picked one up straight away. It took a chain bead Green Pea at full distance after just a few pulls and I thought I had it sussed. However with a big bush behind me i was restricted on the casting direction and therefore felt as though I was flogging the same water too much.

Although the boats don't seem to be catching too many the boat out in front of us seemed to be doing best and saw then catch 4 or 5 each at least. They are in a good holding spot and seemed to be on Di7's retrieved on a constant slow retrieve. As in the picture below they were well wrapped up for the day.
The other side of the bush the guy had 3 on the floater and daiwl bachs. He wasn't restricted on the casting and I think the weed bed finished before his swim but he fished the best of the bank anglers on the day and out of the other 10 bankies I was aware of there were only a couple of one's.

One of those was Phil, his casting is improving as is his repertoire of fish catching flies. His perseverance paid off and he caught one on a small cats whisker on the fast intermediate. It was a lovely fish that looked bigger and bigger every time you examined it. It had a deep, belly and a wide back and must have been between 2 and half to 3lb.

Returned to the water we both stood back and said that at least neither of us blanked on our first trip of the season.