Monday, 31 August 2009

The drought ends

No not water drought, my lack of fishing!!

I can't remember the last time I went. It's been a busy August at work and even if I had the time I was a bit shattered.

It sounded as though it would be good this weekend with decent temperatures but a bit of cloud around so after the last half day boat i had and enjoyed I thought i would do the same. I was surprised there weren't too many boats out but yesterday they were all out so perhaps people tacking it on spec like me.

The fish has gone quiet up by the dam so thought i would focus on Stone Barn Bay and Pig stream if it was no good. I'd heard the fish were a bit deeper down so I started on a di5 and first drift across the bay I had a nice 2 and a half pounder on my orange booby on the point.

Another couple of drifts and on went the Di3 and again quite quickly another fish and also more action now. But another couple of drift and no more fish again I decided to set up the Di7. Just after I had done this John Mains stopped for a chat and he had managed 5 mainly on a Soldier Palmer on a floater. The Di7 didn't last long and on went the Slow glass and as I hadn't had any fish on my droppers I set up a red daiwl bach and a Soldier Palmer.

The fish still weren't that fast but I did manage another 4 on either the booby or Soldier Palmer. It was a nice routine of pulling quick so the booby bobbled on the surface, then figure of 8, then pull, then figure of 8, etc.etc. They seemed to like to chase and then take the fly when it stopped.

By this time I was fishing closer into Stone Barn and the fish were a bit smaller in here but welcome all the same. As the early afternoon went on it seemed to be getting windier and the clouds darkening. I thought it might drizzle later so left before 2 in time to watch the 20/20 international on telly in the afternoon. Very pleasant!

Sunday, 9 August 2009

The Ashes alternative

I had thought I would watch some of the 4th test yesterday and today but I just couldn't bring myself too watch the humiliation. never mind, a bit like fishing "you never know what's coming next" While the Aussies were finishing off I was on a single manned boat sitting in bright sun and flat calm at the Dam.

You may think that this was as bad as England's performance but no there were fish up and looking, well near the dam anyway and when your catching it keeps you busy.

My set up was a slow glass with orange booby on the point, daddy long legs and daiwl bach on the top. Pulling at a decent speed I had quite a few fish that chased me but did not sick. I did manage one on the booby and one on the daddy though and at the time was doing well.

Then there were a number of boats coming round looking to anchor so I thought I would get in first and stuck the pick down next to another boat that had done that a few minutes earlier and was already bending into fish. I then spent the next hour with nothing. It was only when I heard the say they were on buzzers that I thought I would change too. I left the booby and added to orange cheeked buzzers and the takes started. I had slowed down the retrieve and the takes were classic nymph takes as the line just moved away.

5 fish for a mornings fishing and I was really pleased, so rather than overdoing it I headed back just as the wind got up slightly to to some jobs at home.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

lightening strike

Yes it's always one of those occasions in a thunderstorm when your fishing with a carbon rod that it makes you very nervous.

Brad Gifford last week had a narrow escape - although I don't suppose he saw it quite like that - when out walking his dog at Elinor with Ed Foster. He sheltered under a group of trees in a storm and a bolt of lightening struck a tree and arched across to hit him on the shoulder. After being airlifted to the best burns unit in Birmingham he woke up the next day with 35% burns. I guess another couple of inches another way and erghhhh!

With no rod in his hand I guess it's a lesson when your times up, it's up. However in Brad's case, hope you get well soon mate and plenty of fishing left in you yet!

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Grant Gibson's fun day!

Powie rang me up and said he was one short for the MNTFA fun day and would i fish with Grant Gibson? Well I didn't think I had fished with Grant before - although he corrected me that we had once at Draycote a good time ago - how could i say no and was looking forward to it!
It had been miserably wet for the last few days but fishing well on dry's. Here we were sunny and without a cloud in the sky wishing it would cloud over - madness!
We headed off to the dam to find the fish the bankies can't reach and it felt as though it was going to be a tough day. The fish didn't seem to high in the water so we started a drift across the boils. Grant was on a Di7 and tubes - as per normal! and i on a new di5 with booby, blobs and daiwl bachs. The boils were off and the fish didn't seem to be out in the middle so we headed back to the Dam and closer in. The fish were in a few shoals and lines but no more than 100yds off the dam or the sailing club bank. Grant struck first on the tubes but they weren't thick and fast, i then had the first of a number of jammy one's on a daiwl back at speed. The next two were painful, I was just un-doing a tangle and a fish rose for my booby ( nice!), a few swift pulls and I was connected, as i netted it and pulled the fly out of its mouth I realised it was on a daiwl bach and then suddenly realised i had another one on the point as it took off and buried the fly up to the bend in my index figure. A swift removal and with blood pouring down the line I managed a nice hand netting manoeuvre.
This had made me realise that the fish were up in the water (and hooks are painful!) and I switched to a slow and the fishing got decidedly better taking another 4 fish to an orange booby and a daddy long legs.

As we were out catching Dave Marchant and Alan Harding the banter started. Every time we went round for another drift they would shout out how many they had caught, just a few more than us. Alan is catching one of their rare fish below!
Grant was a couple of fish behind but seemed to find what we both thought was the perfect cast of a sparkler booby and a lite brite damsel on a kelly green intermediate. It was almost like muddler fishing years ago with the bow wave behind the fly. Great fishing! He managed to catch up and his last two fish were much better including this 6lbs 6oz rainbow below.
Powie, Clarky and lady's had laid on a fantastic BBQ once more and we sat down to a late lunch with as much alcohol as you could drink and as much Micky take as you could handle.
For me it was probable second again although Ash had 7 too, but can you believe Grant also won the duck race and took the money as well as best bag and best fish, magic!
A great fun day!