Thursday, 1 October 2015


This week Phil and I had a few days on the River Dee just outside Llangollen with the llangollen and District angling club for some late season trout and early season Grayling.
It was a great river, a decent flow, clear, over boulders and wide enough not to be able to cast to the far side with my 4 weight. There were fish rising most of the time that ranged in size which changed my technique. I was expecting to get the french leader out with czech nymphs, however who could resist a couple of days of dry fly fishing. My timing seemed all wrong as i struggled to find what they were feeding on. I managed a few takes on black but my flies seemed a little bit too big. By the time i had a rest and did some sampling it was then Phill that found a small black knat they wanted and had a good few fish. By the time i caught on i was already behind. The same happened the next day too as they seemed to change to green from black and i was still be hind the curve.
However i did still have a few nice Grayling and brown trout too. I also managed a few Salmon par, one of which was a decent size and deceived me until i could see the finger marks on it's side. Another great place to fish and whilst away it was good news that the Barclays team managed to beat the BOS - another great result.