Sunday, 30 September 2018

The Sun

Phil and I headed back to the River this weekend and started on the Berwen beat. The levels had come down, there was clarity in the water and with a few fish rising well it was looking good. A few casts in i had a small Salmon parr to get going.
Phil soon got in his stride through.
..and was picking off the best of the Grayling with this one of about 12ozs.
Although i had my share as well
The second day we decided to try a new Beat for us The Sun Beat. We started on the meadows but a poor description as there were loads of trees lining the bank. Although once you got in the water it opened up and we had some great sport.
It was glorious weather with the sun shining no stop which made the hills and scenery look absolutely fabulous. Especially from the Sun at Trevor where we had a relaxing beer before heading home.