Saturday 9 October 2010

The Elinor Jinx

No reflection on Elinor, Ed or the way it is run but just my amazing regularity to find it either easy or hard. Yes and today it was hard for me and easy for others.

While I think congratulations to Ed, Dave Currie and Nick Dunn who made it too the England team this year from Chew. Especially to Dave who like me has being trying for a number of years and come so close on a number of occasions. Excellent!

On a day with hardly a cloud in the sky I started on the river bank and had a good number of fish rising in front of me. They were taking small green buzzers but i didn't seem to have any small enough. I went on a size 16 klink and then started to have action and even had a fish on and lost it, great sport! As the rising fish slowed and the hatch was over I headed off for a walk around Titchmarsh.

When I got back Phil still hadn't caught but there were quite a few catching off the Dam so we both muscled into the corner by the trees. We managed a few takes but still no fish. They were taking on Damsels, daddies and hares ears, but not for me.

Another sit down in the sun to reflect and sense a cold coming on and we called it a day.

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