Saturday, 20 March 2010

Key controversy

There has been some interesting debate on Fly forums website around whether a day ticket fisherman should be able to have a key to the gates in the same way as a season ticket holder at Pitsford.

This only seems fair and would be the best solution. It must feel naff walking along the banks to a spot when a car beats you there. I guess there are more and more pensioners fishing these days and it is not always possible to walk the distances to get to the fish.

Fortunately most of the main hotspots on pitsford these days are easily walkable. In fact a mate of mine refuses a key and prefers the walk to keep fit.

The water has to cater for many users and there is a restriction on the number of cars that are allowed round. With many cyclists and walkers - including me - on the road we have to be responsible.

Not only this but Nathan has to control it. With notices in the lodge on how to use the locks correctly and regular reminders of the care to be taken we are an easy target and need to keep this to an absolute minimum. As a season ticket holder Nathan holds your address and phone number and can issue warnings. If needed there is always the threat of taking the season ticket away. He does not have this control over day ticket holders and while the majority would act responsibly if there is no deterrent then the minority would not.

Over the first few days the locks appear to have been abused by both day ticket holders and season ticket holders. The gates need to remain locked at all times and if a day ticket holder is let in you need to be very clear and take ownership on how they can get out.

I will discuss with Nathan if opening day next year can be an exception and everyone have the same access.

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