I had forgot what a great event these are as everyone tackles up on the boat dock awaiting John Mees to give us a briefing and then everyone milling around awaiting the klaxon to sound. There is great banter, Mark Haycock taking the piss out of my bib and braces asking if I was going course fishing! and many more.
My partner for the day was Paul Haskey or "Woody" below asking himself the question - will I be pulling lures or nymphs on the floater? Well it was both.
Paul was quick to change onto the floater but it took me a few minutes to work out what I was going to do. Daiwl Bachs and buzzers I thought and changed to the midge tip. Paul was off and running on a Daiwl Bach with the first fish and then a second. We followed Ed Foster and Craig Barr into the point off Stockie Bay and I was watching Ed play a fish when I felt a tap on my line, concentrate! stop the retrieve, start again and the line tightened up and I was into my first fish, YES!! That's it I can relax into it now. We had sussed that the fish were in a very tight shoal and when we got it just right we were into fish. The number of Holographic red Diawl bachs increased on my team and more fish came. Ed and Paul were on the fast glass, again it took me a while to change but then I was keeping pace again.
Ed and Craig got themselves into the A1 position and it was flat calm they just had fish after fish and as Craig bagged up at 12.20 Ed was only 10 minutes behind him. Ed had been ahead and was catching the better fish and as he ended up winning the day and it was very well deserved.
We slotted into the spot and Paul took full advantage and I just managed to hold onto his shirt tails. It was flat calm, deathly silent apart from me banging about in the boat with my net, boat seat, fly boxes, you name it, Oh and Paul laughing and taking the piss. Yes Ok it's been a while. At 1pm Paul had 7 and surely the 8 would be a formality. Well this was where the luck changed. From now on it was going to extremely frustrating for both of us. It didn't matter what we did but he couldn't buy a take and ended the day on 7. I on the other kept loosing fish 3 or 4 maybe but they just wouldn't stick.
Last couple of hours both tearing our hair out - well me at least!! we headed off to the church. The wind was increasing so we were back out with the Di5's to release some frustration. I managed to catch a few and get myself to 7 but not without loosing more fish.
We both ended on 7 a piece but a frustrating day in boat 13 could have been so much better for both of us. I managed a creditable 27th place so it's all still to play for a Grafham next month.
It was a very sad occasion as the weigh in was delayed. Dave Hodgson complained of chest pains over the last couple of days and sadly died of a heart attack in the car park with paramedics fighting to save his life. What a way to go on the banks of Rutland having bagged up and in the top ten of the eliminators! I was not close to Dave but I know many of the club member are.
It was a grumpy day for Ash who couldn't bring himself to share and info ( that's if he had any ) when we caught up in the North arm but at least he and Sheamus kept their spirits up for the photo below in the weigh in Q.
I'm shattered and fishing again tomorrow!
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