Saturday, 10 July 2010

A rest for blistered feet

Just back from a few days in Barcelona sight seeing and I had made the mistake of wearing a new pair of shoes and the blisters were worse than when I did my three peak challenge earlier in the year. It's a hard life!

Nothing better than sitting around in a boat on Pitsford on a glorious day with the excuse of giving my feet a rest - magic!

I headed for the dam and found fish all the way along about 50 yards out and also just off the boils. It was a bit awkward keeping on the fish as there were a good number of boats and many anchored. I did a bit of anchoring and a bit of drifting really you just needed to be over a pod of fish.

There were two main techniques. I couldn't catch on the di7 and a minkie but a few others did. I managed 3 on a red daiwl bach on the midge tip. They were nice fish too all over a pound and half. The second one took at full stretch and ran and had to play him at distance on the reel for while.

I tried the pines and North Farm shore and while I saw fish on top I couldn't catch. I could only manage half a day on my own but it was nice too be out topping up the tan!

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