I drew Clive Morgan on the day and even though he was from London he fished there more frequently than me on the midlands reservoirs. It was great to fish with someone very experienced and he started in impatient form. We both agreed that we had the flies and techniques to catch if there were fish which allowed us to have a short drift and if nothing then keep moving. With this we worked from Whitwell, monument, sykes, fantasy, three trees sailing club, gibbets and old hall. Nothing! Unfortunately Clives 3lb zander wouldn't count. Off to the North then and don't spare the petrol!
We were just heading across to Barnesdale and Clive had a great spot that there were boats in Dickinsons Bay and they are only ever there if the fish are there. From here I could only think of Grant Gibsons tips from last week that the fish were close in on a damsel and cats whisker and it was to stand me in good stead.
The first drift we hugged the bank and out across the point. the fish had been stocked in here and were still hanging about. Clive had interest on the first drift and the boat had two infront of us - were in! Second drift round and Clive had a nice fish in the boat fishing a di7 and a couple of boobies. I changed over to a Di5 with a small cat boobie on the point, a small cormorant booby on the top and a damsel in the middle. As I hung them a little longer all went tight and I was into my first. It was a brownie of about a pound and a quarter and all fish were welcome.
Once we had found a few fish we were determined to keep with them as long as we could and fortunately for us that was all afternoon as other boats came and went.
Clive was catching rainbows and managed 4 with the odd brown where as unfortunately I was catching browns. As my third fish came it was heartbreaking to have to return it and not for it to count and i did the same with another two as well as shaking another off in disgust. I did manage to catch one rainbow and ended with 3 but if only i could have weighed in the other 3 a top ten would have been beckoning.
I was closer in to the bank and I think the brownies were occupying the lies around the rocks and shelf whereas the rainbows may have been shoaling a little further out.
They have recently changed the restaurant in the lodge to be a posh Italian. I am sure wuith views over the lake it will take off but not great for the hungry fisherman. they looked after us well though and with a few speeches to help the evening Clive finished 13th and i was 45th but with one more fish for him and brownies to count for me it was all about what could have been.
Any way we had a great day look forward to when my stroke of luck does eventually come.
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