Tuesday 17 May 2011

Talbot Butler match was FAB

I was looking forward to this match as always to support Arnold but I was going to be fishing with James for the first time for a number of years. Unfortunately though his kids were down with chicken pox so I set out for a great day with Geraldine.

It was a cold wind with powerful gusts and I would normally go drifting and pulling in the heavy water but with some hot info that the day before they were catching on green daiwl bachs chucking up the bank in bog bay, that was where we were heading.

The anchor struggled to hold, a combination of the wind and weed on the bottom but it made a big difference. After we went around 6 times it finaly held, a bit far out but we were grateful. Later we were reluctant to move too. I had a few takes but on retrospect we were 20 yards off the best bit and this made a big difference.

A series of spots down pig stream, gorse bank and the cliffs provided nothing and we were back where we started. Mike and Ash by now had anchored and were catching well. They had a spot just off duffers but it was close to a point and they were fishing right on the edge of the coloured water with Damsels and FAB's.

We took the hints, anchored closer in off the bog bay point and put a Tequilla FAB on the top dropper. A faster retreive and in no time I was into a fish, It wasn't easy but another two followed. The fish were here but all geraldines fish came off, also any fish that I took on the damsel, daiwl bachs or buzzers also came off or took short. It must have been the way they took in the wind or current, whatever, it was frustrating!

Mike and Ash took best boat on the day with 16 fish very impressive and second place were on 6. A nice meal, chat and bantor at the Royal Oak capped of a really FAB day

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