Didn't like the weather, turned up late, couldn't find a spot, wanted to watch Grand Prix, wanted to visit, the lodge, needed a crap etc. all excuses Mike was using so that he didn't have to fish. But convinced by Grant, every time he went near the water he came up with another trout. 3 fish for 8lbs was enough to win the MNTFA bank match on a difficult day.

Well I would feel a bit aggrieved wouldn't I, as if any of these excuses had of held I would have won myself and 2 fish for 6lbs 4oz was enough for second place. In addition to that I did have a consolation and managed to catch the best fish of the day this 3lbs 15 and half ozs so no complaints! It took a Daiwl Bach from the middle dropper right at the end of my cast. It screamed off and headed for the middle of the creek. As it was on the reel I then continued to play it that way which gives you great control for bigger fish and had been ages since I had done that, very enjoyable!

There were a few views of not enough fish in here but I can't agree with that. My theory or excuse was that the weather had gone cold and pushed the fish into a warmer layer in deeper water. It had been like this all week as anglers had fought the high winds, rain and hail storms. They were east winds too which is the worst wind to find a decent spot on Pitsford.
It was 2pm and I had only heard of a couple of fish being caught, I hadn't even had a pull. Mike had just caught one across on Stone Barn and I was just considering what else I could do when the phone rung, it was Phil. "I've just had one and lost a couple" "I'm on my way" I said.
Well in front of Pitsford Picnic Bank was like a different world, a little wind was coming left to right and out but very gentle. The bank dropped away quite quickly into the creek and Phil had it sussed with a cruncher, Daiwl Bach and gold headed hares ear on the point on a long leader on a floater. He already had a very nice overwintered fish of 3lb plus in the bag and I hadn't been there that long and I'd had a pull and Phil had landed this one.
I kitted up the same and it wasn't too long before I had a nice rainbow on the gold headed hares ear and I was feeling exceptionally relieved that I wouldn't be receiving one of Powies ducks. Unfortunately for Phil, Mick Foster and pals turned up next time and while casting a good deal further and Mick taking 2 fish on a sinker and Boobie I think they just moved the fish off and out. One more was all we were both aiming for but unfortunately the fish didn't come round again.
Back at the weigh in everyone had struggled, there were a few 2's but not as many blanks as there could have been but around 20+ anglers around 20+ fish.
All in all a hard day but very pleasant in the sun and not bad for the first competition of the year.