My thoughts were that I would try in North Farm Bay but as I started down the track the digger and workmen had the road up as they were laying drainage channels and the track was temporarily closed so I parked the care on the North Shore and thought right here will do then.
There were a couple of boats into the causeway corner and all the points were taken. There were also people in the bays and I could see one was into a fish so I thought right any space that is available then in the first 4 bays? Yes there was a spot in the second bay next to the bushes that went right to the waters edge.
The wind was left to right and out slightly and not too strong so ideal. All around me they were on sinkers but un-daunted I set the Floater and the just one fly - a lite brite pea.
I waited for 20 minutes without a take for the fish to come into the area and then it started, a few missed takes at first but then I adjusted my casting to cast across the wind, hold tight until the bow in the line started to form and then a mixture of slow to fast figure of 8 retrieve meant that I was perfectly in control of my flies and the line just tightened into a fish. By 1.30 I had returned another 5, had my lunch and was on my way to see my Dad, Nice!
Last night was the MNTFA AGM, all went off sweet and I continue as secretary and Vice-Chairman for another year. Nathan Clayton and Jon Marshall came along to give us their thoughts on last season and what is planned for this season. They were both excellent at fielding and debating some interesting and topical points. There were a number of discussions and a few to note were:
- Health and safety between anglers and walkers. They gave us confidence that the actions and ideals of severn trent in banning bank fishing because of safety concerns for walkers are not shared by Anglian Water. This was great news and makes sense, I can't think of any angling accidents relating to this at Pitsford, Jon thought there might have been 1 or 2 over the last 20 years while there are many cycle and walking accidents. Therefore if it is put in context, we all have to be careful and vidulent and share the space together.
- Stocking points. There were mixed views on whether stocking at many points around Pitsford would result in the fish more spread. Nathan has a fair arguament that the currrent two stocking points provide fish from the causeway to the gravels, causeway to the Gorse. Sailing club and Brixworth and the Creek and Pines. If they were spread about the fish would naturally come together at the favoured locations which would create the same effect. He has a good point! However Jon and a number of MNTFA disagree so maybe we'll get to test out the theories later in the year.

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